The Children’s Theatre of Charlotte presents a new twist on a classic fairy tale with their children’s production of Hansel and Gretel this month at Roanoke Island Festival Park. A family gathers around the...
On the next episode of our Outer Banks web series OBXE TV, host Sue Artz will welcome special guest Mike Remige, manager of Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head! Mike will discuss the 75-year history...
UPDATE: 6/16/14 – The concert has been cancelled due to a family emergency. Kelly’s in Nags Head will welcome the alternative rock band X Ambassadors to the Outer Banks for the first time live...
The Beatles are coming! Or at least the next best thing, as the world’s top tribute to the fab four will take the stage live in concert for the first time on the Outer...
It has been four long years since the town of Kill Devil Hills approved funds in the annual budget for an Independence Day fireworks display on the 4th of July, but this year, the...
When we joined Terry Bell on one of our her Outer Banks Restaurant Tours through Corolla earlier this year, we had never done anything like this before, and we started feeling a little anxious...
Roanoke Island Festival Park has joined the ranks of environmentally sustainable attractions in North Carolina with certification as a “green” attraction by the NC Green Travel Initiative, a program that recognizes travel-oriented businesses that...
The 2014 EVP Outer Banks Pro-Am Beach Volleyball Tournament took place today, May 31, on the beach on the south side of Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head, featuring professional and amateur matches going on...
An Outer Banks mystery more than 400 years old and America’s original urban legend, The Lost Colony will premiere its 77th anniversary production as the country’s longest-running outdoor symphonic drama this Friday, May 30,...
The 2nd Annual Outer Banks Pro-Am Beach Volleyball Tournament returns to Jennette’s Pier this weekend, featuring male and female professional volleyball players in action on the sand. Presented by Extreme Volleyball Professionals (EVP), the 2014...
The first ever Shallowbag Shag Beach Music Festival kicked off the 2014 Outer Banks summer season on Memorial Day Monday, May 26, with an excited crowd of fans in attendance, beautiful weather at the...
On the next episode of our Outer Banks web series OBXE TV, host Sue Artz will take the show on the road for the first time with an on location feature on the Corolla...
The first ever Shallowbag Shag Beach Music Festival is coming to the Outer Banks this Memorial Day to officially kick off the local summer music season, with an all-star lineup of talent, including the...
Virginia’s Llamas at Brunch will be on the Outer Banks this weekend, live in concert at Kelly’s in Nags Head. Llamas at Brunch is a bunch of friends who came together from diverse musical...
The first ever Shallowbag Shag Beach Music Festival is coming to the Outer Banks this Memorial Day to officially kick off the local summer music season, with an all-star lineup of talent, including the...
The OBX Mystery Dinner will be making its debut in Kill Devil Hills this weekend, presenting its first show, Murder at a Wedding. The cast of local performers includes: Father of the Bride –...
The Little Prince is coming to the Outer Banks to delight audiences this summer as part of this year’s Performance Series at Roanoke Island Festival Park in Manteo. Based on the book by Antoine...
On the next episode of our Outer Banks web series OBXE TV, host Sue Artz will welcome special musical guest Jonny Waters, of the Jonny Waters and Company band! Jonny will talk about what...
Dare County Arts Council is pleased announce the winners of the 17th Annual Mollie Fearing Memorial Art Show. The annual “Mollies” features an eclectic mix of local and regional visual arts, which will be...
The first ever Shallowbag Shag Beach Music Festival is coming to the Outer Banks this Memorial Day to officially kick off the local summer music season, with an all-star lineup of talent, including The...