The Hearts of Dare two-day fundraiser happening this month will feature a number of events for Outer Banks youths, with the proceeds to benefit the three local families that experienced recent tragedies. From the...
Theatre of Dare will present their production of the popular musical The Music Man live on stage in March. Performances will take place at the COA (College of the Albemarle) Roanoke Island Campus in...
Happy Hour Painting Parties, presented by Local Color, are back at Outer Banks Brewing Station on Thursdays each week through March. This Thursday, February 18, you can uncork your inner artist while learning how to...
The 5th Annual Mardi Gras Gala to benefit the Outer Banks Children At Play Museum returns to the Pirate’s Cove Pavilion in March. Traditionally the local Children At Play Museum, located in Kitty Hawk,...
The UNC Coastal Studies Institute (UNC CSI) is hosting a lecture on sustainable winter gardening and birdwatching as part of its “Science on the Sound” lecture series. This series, held monthly, highlights research on...
The North Carolina Maritime Museums and Jennette’s Pier will host an evening program on the history of surfing in North Carolina, a free event that will take place at Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head...
To purchase professional prints or high resolution downloads of any of the photos featured in this gallery, please click HERE! The Dare County Shadow Players, under the direction of Donna L. Roark, will present...
Marvel’s bad boy antihero has arrived in theaters, breaking records for a Thursday preview screenings in February, and OBX Enterainment was at the Deadpool Outer Banks movie premiere party last night at R/C KDH...
The Outer Banks Forum for the Lively Arts and Dare County Arts Council Collaborate in Art Competition for 2016 Forum Playbill Cover. The Outer Banks Forum for the Lively Arts and the Dare County...
The 2016 Outer Banks Taste of the Beach is just around the corner, with dozens of events and delicious specials on the menu at numerous participating local restaurants for four days, March 17-20. To you...
UPDATE: Due to the weather, this performance has been rescheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13 at 6pm SUNDAY, FEB. 14 at 3pm. The Dare County Shadow Players, under the direction of Donna L. Roark, will...
Dare County Arts Council has announced this year’s winners of the 38th Annual Frank Stick Memorial Art Show. Judge Scott Eagle of East Carolina University awarded Best in Show to Travis Fowler for his painting...
Valentine’s Day 2016 is almost here, and we have your annual roundup of the sweetest events happening on the Outer Banks to help you celebrate this February 14th. Read on for all the Valentine’s...
The Big Game is this weekend, featuring the Carolina Panthers taking on the Denver Broncos in a battle for National Football League (NFL) championship on Super Bowl Sunday, the most watched televised spectacle of...
You are invited to join Dare County Arts Council for a fantastic 2-Day Color Theory Workshop with artist Adele Castillo on February 20 & 21, 2016. In this intensive workshop, students will begin by...
Our friends at Earth 383 Comics & Games and R/C KDH Movies 10 are hosting another movie premiere event leading up to the first ever screening on the Outer Banks of Deadpool, the latest film...
The Temptations Revue will headline the 3rd Annual Shallowbag Shag Beach Music Festival in May, along with returning favorites The Tams and Steve Owens & Summertime. A tribute to the legendary Motown sounds of...
Dare County Arts Council is pleased to present the 38th Annual Frank Stick Memorial Art Show, presented by Southern Insurance Agency. Established in 1978 by Dare County Arts Council, this is the longest running...
The 14th Annual Outer Banks Bike Week roars into town with numerous events happening throughout the area April 16-24. You can scroll down to view the full schedule of events for Bike Week 2016...
Pear Jam just announced the dates for their upcoming North American tour, including a stop in Hampton, Virginia in April. With hits that remain radio favorites, including “Alive”, “Daughter”, and “Even Flow”, Seattle’s Pearl...