The second season of the NatGeo series Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks premiered on Sunday on the National Geographic Channel (NatGeo), and we now have two new video previews of this week’s episode, featuring our...
The second season of the NatGeo series Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks premiered tonight on the National Geographic Channel (NatGeo), but we got to watch the first episode early at last night’s local premiere party...
The last time the Oregon Inlet Public Boat Ramps received an upgrade was in 1989. After many years of extensive use, and weathering many storms, the ramps were in poor condition. The National Park...
National Geographic Channel’s popular Wicked Tuna spinoff formerly titled North vs. South has been given the new name of Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks for its upcoming second season, which was filmed once again entirely...
National Geographic Channel’s popular Wicked Tuna spinoff formerly titled North vs. South has been given the new name of Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks for its upcoming second season, which was filmed once again entirely...
National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac announced today that Oregon Inlet, Frisco, and Ocracoke Campgrounds will open to the public starting on Friday, April 17. Oregon Inlet and Frisco Campgrounds will...
The hit National Geographic series Wicked Tuna: North vs South, filmed on the Outer Banks, North Carolina, will return for a second season next year, and producers on the Outer Banks right now looking for the...
(WARNING: SPOILERS ahead! We advise you to not read this recap before watching the most recent episode of Wicked Tuna: North vs South.) The tenth and final episode of the National Geographic series Wicked Tuna:...
(WARNING: SPOILERS ahead! We advise you to not read this recap before watching the most recent episode of Wicked Tuna: North vs South.) The ninth episode of the National Geographic series Wicked Tuna: North vs...
(WARNING: SPOILERS ahead! We advise you to not read this recap before watching the most recent episode of Wicked Tuna: North vs South.) The eighth episode of the National Geographic series Wicked Tuna: North vs...
(WARNING: SPOILERS ahead! We advise you to not read this recap before watching the most recent episode of Wicked Tuna: North vs South.) The fourth episode of the National Geographic series Wicked Tuna: North vs...
(WARNING: SPOILERS ahead! We advise you to not read this recap before watching the most recent episode of Wicked Tuna: North vs South.) The third episode of the National Geographic series Wicked Tuna: North vs...
(WARNING: SPOILERS ahead! We advise you to not read this recap before watching the most recent episode of Wicked Tuna: North vs South.) The second episode of the National Geographic series Wicked Tuna: North vs...
The new spin-off of the popular National Geographic Channel (Nat Geo) Wicked Tuna series, Wicked Tuna: North vs South was filmed entirely on the Outer Banks, North Carolina, and the first episode premiered last night (Sunday,...
The new spin-off of the popular National Geographic Channel (Nat Geo) Wicked Tuna series, Wicked Tuna: North vs South was filmed entirely on the Outer Banks, North Carolina, and the first episode will premiere tonight (Sunday, August...
The new spin-off of the popular National Geographic Channel (Nat Geo) Wicked Tuna series, Wicked Tuna: North vs South was filmed entirely on the OuterBanks, North Carolina, and the first episode will premiere tonight, but OBX Entertainment...
The new spin-off of the popular National Geographic Channel (Nat Geo) series Wicked Tuna, filmed on the Outer Banks, Wicked Tuna: North vs South will premiere this Sunday, but OBX Entertainment was at last night’s preview...
The new spin-off of the popular National Geographic Channel (Nat Geo) series Wicked Tuna, filmed on the Outer Banks earlier this year, will premiere this Sunday, and we have some clips from the show for...
The new spin-off of the popular National Geographic Channel (Nat Geo) series Wicked Tuna, filmed on the Outer Banks earlier this year, will premiere this month. Read on the full press release from Nat Geo...