Elizabethan Gardens Hosts WinterLights Christmas Display
Like illuminated gems setting the night ablaze with lights, The Elizabethan Gardens’ WinterLights truly adds sparkle to the crown jewel of Outer Banks attractions in Manteo. The year-round garden has once again bedecked their lush greenscape with millions of lights that blazon winter nights from November to January. Their seasonal display opens November 25 and runs special nights and weekends thru January 20. WinterLights is presented by Southern Bank and funded in part by the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau.
Visitors and staff agree this garden is a spectacle to behold, sparkling like diamonds in the night. “We truly look forward to sharing this event with the community every year,” said Carl Curnutte Executive Director. “It thrills us that families and friends consider WinterLights a part of their holiday traditions.”
“That’s why we are continually tweaking and adding more magic,” added Linda Davenport of The Elizabethan Gardens Board. “We want to offer folks a little something new each year in The Gardens.”
“With assistance from our supporters, Southern Bank and the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau, we are all equally excited to unveil this seasons’ displays,” extolled Curnutte.
Since 2010, Lights, holiday sights and other events are part of a month-long spectacle called WinterLights at The Elizabethan Gardens held November 25, 28, 29, 30; December 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; (Tuesdays thru Saturdays); January 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20 (Fridays and Saturdays) from 6 to 9pm.
Tickets are: Adults $11, Youth (ages 6-17) $9, Child (5 and under) $6. Extended passes are available. Last tickets sold at 8:15pm.
In addition there will be musical groups performing on select Friday and Saturday evenings of the holiday light show. Consult website for details
Guests can purchase their tickets in advance by calling 252-473-3234, or you can purchase online here.
WinterLights Events
Grand Illuminations, 6pm-9pm – Friday, November 24
Join The Elizabethan Gardens for the opening celebration of WinterLights, a spectacular twenty-two night event of holiday lights and sights. Find holiday warmth and charm inside and out with festive food and drink in the “Embellished” Hall, and cozy fire pits on the Great Lawn as well as seasonal gift shop and plant sales. Non-Members: Adults $15, Youth (ages 6-17) $10, Youth (5 and under) $7. Members/Friends: Adults $11, Youth (ages 6-17) $9, Youth (5 and under) $6.
WinterLights presented by Southern Bank – 6pm-9pm
November 25, 28, 29, 30; December 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; January 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20 from 6pm-9pm. Last tickets sold at 8:15pm.. Stroll along enchanted garden paths and discover the joy of the season with holiday lights, sights and sounds transforming The Elizabethan Gardens into an illuminated winter wonderland. The radiant glow of the gardens, traditional holiday décor and fantastical displays are a true spectacle to behold. Festive trees grace the Gatehouse and Reception Hall and a crackling open-air fire warms the Great Lawn. Seasonal gift shop and plant sales coincide. Adults $11, Youth (ages 6-17) $9, Child (5 and under) $6. Extended passes available. Extended passes available. Tuesdays to Saturdays in December, Fridayand Saturdays in January. (Closed on Dec 24,25, 31 and Jan 1);
Ladies’ Night at The Gardens, 5pm-7pm – November 27, Dec. 4 & 11
Come join us in the Gift Shop and enjoy Champagne and light fare during this casual and fun shopping affair. Accompanied by some welcome surprises designed to rejuvenate and relax you for the holiday season.
Holiday Feast, Seating at 6pm & 7:30pm – December 2
A Holiday Feast at The Elizabethan Gardens – Seating at 6:00pm and 7:30 pm. Enjoy the spirit of the season and the sights of WinterLights with this unique dinner holiday buffet. Enjoy local amazing culinary delights with this all you can eat dinner buffet of chicken, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls, sweet potatoes, mac & cheese, assorted cakes, appetizers, rolls, drinks and more will make this holiday feast a memorable one. After or before see the incredible WinterLights. Tickets are: $35 Adults/ $20 Youth/ $8 Child for members. $40 Adults/ $25 Youth/ $10 Child for not-yet members. This includes tickets for WinterLights.
Deck the Halls with Christmas Greenery. 10am-12pm – December 2
$15 for members. $30 for not-yet members.
With the holiday season here it’s time to decorate. Join us at the Elizabethan Gardens for a discussion and walk through the gardens identifying plants that are excellent for arrangements. Learn the proper way to cut and keep greenery that will last several weeks indoors. ADVANCED RESERVATIONS REQUIRED.
Poinsettias, 10am-12pm- December 3
Limited to 12 participants
$15 for members. $30 for not-yet members.
Poinsettias are indigenous to Mexico, which are well known for their red and green foliage for Christmas displays. Join us for a discussion on the dos and don’t of Poinsettia culture. Includes a poinsettia plant. ADVANCED REGISTRATION REQUIRED.
WOOFstocking – December 6
Bring your dog to WinterLights for FREE! The first 100 guests get a free dog stocking to fill with gifts they may purchase from onsite vendors. If you bring a donation to the Outer Banks SPCA, you’ll receive $3 off admission to WinterLights. (plus you and your canine friend can enjoy WinterLights too!!) Standard WinterLights admission applies: Adults $11, Youth (ages 6-17) $9, Child (5 and under) $6. See website details for SPCA donation items. Each dog must be accompanied by an adult.
December 9 & 12 (with dinner) – The Art of Centerpieces, 10am-12pm
Limited to 25 participants
Decorate your home for the holidays with an elegant centerpiece that is uniquely yours! An Instructor will share with you their skills. The Elizabethan Gardens will provide the base, greening pins and cuttings. Participants may choose to bring ribbon, ornaments or items from home. Class size is limited to 25 participants. Light refreshments will be served. December 9: Members: $25, Non-members: $30. ADVANCED RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. [December 12 prices: Class size is limited to 25. Members: $39, Non-Members: $44.]
The Perfect Holiday Wreath, 10am-12pm – December 16
$25 for members. $30 for not-yet members.
Decorate your home for the holidays with an elegant holiday wreath that is uniquely yours! An Instructor will share with you their skills. The Elizabethan Gardens will provide the base, greening pins and cuttings. Participants may choose to bring ribbon, ornaments or items from home. Class size is limited to 25 participants. Light refreshments will be served. Members: $25, Non-members: $30. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED.
Dinner with Santa, 6pm-9pm – December 16
Seating at 6:00pm & 7:30pm
$35 Adults/ $20 Youth/ $8 Child for members. $40 Adults/ $25 Youth/ $10 Child for not-yet members. Table groupings of 8. Limited availability. Enjoy the spirit of the season, the sights of WinterLights and this unique dinner buffet and Santa! Catch the ear of the man in the red suit and enjoy culinary delights will be provided. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED.
WinterLights Thank You Santa, 6pm-9pm – December 27
Santa has authorized The Gardens to be his official collector of thank you notes. You must drop off your letters before 9pm to guaranteed next day delivery to the North Pole. Admission to WinterLights is required.
Click HERE for more Outer Banks Christmas events!

WinterLights runs select weeknights and weekends at the Elizabethan Gardens, from November 25, 2017 to January 20, 2018.
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