Festival Park to Host Watercolor Workshop on 2nd Saturday
Outer Banks watercolorist Carol Trotman is offering a free workshop this weekend at Roanoke Island Festival Park in Manteo.
The workshop -“Twenty Ways to Create a Successful Composition” – is scheduled for this Saturday, August 11, from 1 to 3pm in the Meeting Room at Festival Park.
The event is free and open to the public as part of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources Second Saturday initiative.

Outer Banks artist Carol Trotman will host a watercolor workshop for ‘2nd Saturday’ at Roanoke Island Festival Park on August 11, 2012.
Read on for more details from the official press release.
Participants will join Trotman to study the art of composition and are asked to bring examples of their art for critiques, and pencil and pad for note taking. Trotman will present examples of her work and compositional skills in a hands-on demonstration.
From Iowa to Alaska to Minnesota to Virginia and finally to the Outer Banks, the story of Trotman’s life almost sounds like a John Denver tune. And she, like Denver, has packed a creative wallop along the trail.
She not only paints, but can also sing, act and once was an ice show skater. Her two-an-a-half plus octave singing voice developed problems due to a vocal node, and Trotman was forced to change her career choice. She became an art teacher, sculptor and watercolorist and is known on the Outer Banks for the latter, though she has taught her share of watercolor classes.
Trotman’s comfort zone is broad and includes painting flowers, still life and figures as well as landscapes and architecture. The artist has a rich sense of color and delicate touch. She knows when to make a splash with paint and when to state the just essence of a stem, leaf or petal. This sensitivity stems not only from her ability to draw well and wield a mean paintbrush, but also her passion for nature – for observing and sensing life.
Sponsored by the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources, 2nd Saturdays takes place at 37 State Historic Sites and museums on the second Saturday of the summer months. The more than 100 events across the state bring together history and authentic North Carolina culture. Each site will have its own stylized theme; and many sites will have artists and/or musicians. For a complete schedule of events, go to www.ncculture.com.