Posts Tagged: Ocracoke

Reminder: Fireworks are Illegal on National Park Service Land on Hatteras and Ocracoke

Reminder: Fireworks are Illegal on National Park Service Land on Hatteras and Ocracoke

Cape Hatteras National Seashore reminds visitors and adjacent homeowners that it is illegal to detonate fireworks, or have fireworks in your possession, on all land managed by the National Park Service, including all beaches...

Dr. Beach Ranks Ocracoke and Buxton in Top 5 Best Beaches in America 2021

Dr. Beach Ranks Ocracoke and Buxton in Top 5 Best Beaches in America 2021

Dr. Beach has released his annual list of his picks for the Top 10 Best Beaches in America for 2021, with two Outer Banks locales making the top five. Ocracoke Lifeguarded Beach is ranked...

‘Ocracoke’ Vampire Horror Movie Wraps Filming on Location

‘Ocracoke’ Vampire Horror Movie Wraps Filming on Location

The new independent horror film Ocracoke has officially wrapped filming on location on Ocracoke Island, and a crowd funding campaign has just been launched to help complete production, with plans for a 2021 release....

Cape Hatteras National Seashore Extends Lifeguard Season at 3 Beaches

Cape Hatteras National Seashore Extends Lifeguard Season at 3 Beaches

As a result of increased late summer tourism to the Outer Banks, the National Park Service announced today that Cape Hatteras National Seashore will offer lifeguard services through the end of September at three...

Ocracoke Island has Reopened and is Welcoming Visitors

Ocracoke Island has Reopened and is Welcoming Visitors

Ocracoke Island is open and welcoming visitors, as Hyde County has lifted the mandatory evacuation that was put into place in advance of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaias‘ landfall in the Carolinas. Ocracoke was spared any...

Man Dies While Swimming Off Beach at Ocracoke Island

Man Dies While Swimming Off Beach at Ocracoke Island

The National Park Service reports that this morning (7/12/20), a 65-year-old male from Chester Heights, Pennsylvania died in the Atlantic Ocean off a beach on Ocracoke Island at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. According to...

Two Outer Banks Beaches Ranked Among Top 10 in America

Dr. Beach is back with his annual ranking of the Top 10 Beaches in America for 2018, and two Outer Banks locations made the list this year. Lighthouse Beach in Buxton on Hatteras Island...

NPS Hosting Beach Cleanups For World Oceans Month

NPS Hosting Beach Cleanups For World Oceans Month

June not only marks the beginning of summer, it also marks World Oceans Month. Our oceans, which make up approximately 70 percent of the earth, are natural treasures, a source of food and energy,...

Ocracoke Ranked Third Best Beach In America

Dr. Beach, also known as Florida International University professor Stephen Leatherman, has released his annual list of the 50 Best Beaches in America, and once again the Outer Banks is represented, as Ocracoke Island...

Dr. Beach Ranks Ocracoke 4th Best Beach In America 2016

The Outer Banks is once again ranked among the best beaches in America on Dr. Beach’s annual Top 10 list, with the isolated beach on Ocracoke Island ranked in fourth place for 2016.  Below...

New Ocracoke Beach Access Ramp 63 Construction Underway

National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac announced today that VRHabilis, LLC, of Knoxville, Tennessee has begun the new ramp construction project to provide additional off-road vehicle (ORV) access to ocean beaches...

National Park Service Founders Day Celebrating 99th Anniversary

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 is National Park Service Founders Day – the 99th anniversary of the establishment of the National Park Service.  Superintendent David Hallac invites the public to experience their national park sites...

Village Realty Awards Scholarships To Outer Banks Students

 The second annual Village Realty and Ocracoke Island Realty scholarships, valued at $1,000 each, have been presented to eight area high school seniors and one college student:   Amanda Gaskins – Ocracoke High School Caitlyn...

National Park Service Hosting Outer Banks Beach Cleanups

The month of June marks the beginning of summer and also the beginning of World Oceans Month.  The oceans make up approximately 70 percent of the earth and are global natural treasures providing a...

National Park Service Announces Outer Banks Summer Programs

Summer is almost upon us and the National Park Service Outer Banks Group is ready with a summer schedule full of a variety of programs for park visitors, including history talks, nature walks, recreational...

Hugh Jackman Blackbeard Movie ‘Pan’ Retreats To October

Hugh Jackman (X-Men, The Wolverine) brings a new spin and an entirely new look to the Outer Banks’ most infamous pirate Blackbeard, who was killed off the coast of Ocracoke Island, North Carolina, in...

National Park Service Outer Banks Spring Programs Announced

The Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial spring program schedule has been announced by the National Park Service Outer Banks Group. Spring programs run from Monday,...

Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2015 Lifeguard Season Announced

National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac announced today that Cape Hatteras National Seashore has contracted the Seashore’s lifeguard operations to serve the visiting public during the 2015 summer season.  Operations of...

US News World Report Ranks Outer Banks Best Family Beach Vacation

U.S. News and World Report recently released its list of the 10 Best Family Beach Vacations in the USA, giving the Outer Banks, North Carolina the No. 1 top spot! The site has this to...

National Park Service Announces Seasonal Hatteras, Ocracoke ORV Closures

[twitter-follow screen_name=’obxe’ show_count=’yes’] National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac announced this week the temporary closing of seasonal ORV (off road vehicle) routes in front of village beaches will take place on...