Posts Tagged: Kill Devil Hills

Weekend Movie Update – Feb. 7, 2014: 'LEGO' Assembly

LEGO builds a new family classic in theaters this week, while The Monuments Men take on Hitler, Vampire Academy sucks at school, and the new Anchorman is broadcasting at The Pioneer. Here’s your Outer...

Weekend Movie Update – Jan. 31, 2014: 'Awkward' Romance

Guys get their own version of Sex and the City in theaters this week, while Labor Day comes early, Frozen invites you to sing along, and Walter Mitty visits the Pioneer. Here’s your Outer Banks...

Outer Banks Snow Day: Part 2 [Photo Gallery]

Outer Banks Snow Day: Part 2 [Photo Gallery]

The Outer Banks woke up this morning with a couple inches(!) of snow covering the area for the second time this month, once again creating some beautiful and unique scenes across the local landscape....

Weekend Movie Update – Jan. 24, 2014: 'Frankenstein' Lives

The monster known as Frankenstein returns to theaters this week, while Bruce Dern goes to Nebraska and the Pioneer hosts the ultimate Grudge Match. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie Update for the weekend of...

OBX Mystery Dinner Announces Open Auditions

The OBX Mystery Dinner will be making its debut in Kill Devil Hills this May, and open auditions for the first production will be held in February. The OBX Mystery Dinner is currently accepting...

Outer Banks Gets A Snow Day [Video / Photo Gallery]

Outer Banks Gets A Snow Day [Video / Photo Gallery]

Most of the Outer Banks woke up to a light dusting of snow covering the area this morning, creating some beautiful and unique scenes across the local landscape today. You can watch our video...

Weekend Movie Update – Jan. 17, 2014: 'Devil's' Arrival

The Devil is reborn, Jack Ryan returns, Brendan Fraser gets squirrely, and Ice Cube goes on a Ride Along in theaters this week, while The Hobbit faces a fire-breathing dragon at The Pioneer. Here’s your...

Weekend Movie Update – Jan. 10, 2014: Rise of 'Hercules'

Hercules takes on a Lone Survivor in theaters this week, while The Pioneer gets Frozen. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie Update for the weekend of January 10, 2014!  Premiering this Friday at the historic Pioneer...

Warm Up This Winter With Growler Refill Saturdays at Brewing Station

The Outer Banks Brewing Station in Kill Devil Hills is closed for the season, but you can still get your fill of your favorite locally brewed beverage during the pub’s Growler Refill Saturdays. The...

Weekend Movie Update – Jan. 3, 2014: 'Paranormal' Scares

Paranormal Activity goes Latino in a new sequel in theaters this week, while Vince Vaughn becomes a dad at The Pioneer. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie Update for the weekend of January 3, 2014!...

Outer Banks Forum Presents Horszowski Trio [Concert Preview]

The Outer Banks Forum for the lively Arts continues its 2013-2014 season this month with a performance by the renowned Horszowski Trio live in concert in Kill Devil Hills. The Outer Banks Forum invites...

Weekend Movie Update – Dec. 25, 2013: Mitty And The Wolf Meet Rocky

Christmas is always a busy time in movie theaters, and this week is no exception with a total four new releases opening locally today and tomorrow. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie Update for this...

Tour The Poulos’ Outer Banks Christmas House [Video, Photo Gallery]

Tour The Poulos’ Outer Banks Christmas House [Video, Photo Gallery]

For most of us on the Outer Banks, it isn’t truly Christmas without at least one visit to what has lovingly come to be known simply as “The Christmas House”. The Poulos family have...

Outer Banks Sunset – Kill Devil Hills, Dec. 19, 2013 [Video]

Outer Banks Sunset – Kill Devil Hills, Dec. 19, 2013 [Video]

Watch footage from tonight’s spectacular Outer Banks sunset in Kill Devil Hills, NC in the player below! For more Outer Banks videos, click here to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel! _______________________________ Follow @obxe Like...

Weekend Movie Update – Dec. 18, 2013: 'Anchorman' Lives

Renowned news Anchroman Ron Burgundy is back with an all-star comedy lineup in theaters this week, while Batman and Lois Lane team up for the ultimate Hustle, Forrest Gump turns into Walt Disney, and...

Wright Brothers Memorial Celebrates First Flight 110th Anniversary [Photo Gallery]

Wright Brothers Memorial Celebrates First Flight 110th Anniversary [Photo Gallery]

Today, December 17, 2013, is the 110th anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ first flight in what is now Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, where the annual commemoration ceremony took place earlier today at Wright...

Celebrate Wright Brothers First Flight 110th Anniversary

The 110th anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ first flight in what is now Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina will be commemorated this week with a full day of free events happening at Wright Brothers...

First Flight Middle School Christmas Concert Highlights [Video]

The First Flight Middle School Christmas Concert was held earlier this week on Tuesday, December 10 at First Flight High School in Kill Devil Hills. You can watch highlights from the Seahawk orchestra and...

Weekend Movie Update – Dec. 13, 2013: Back In 'The Hobbit'

The Hobbit faces a fire-breathing dragon in the latest epic adventure from Middle-Earth, while Madea plays Santa in theaters this week, and Thor brings the thunder to The Pioneer. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie...

The Pit Presents Polkadot Cadaver Friday the 13th [Concert Preview]

The Pit is bringing the experimental metal band Polkadot Cadaver to Kill Devil Hills for the first time this Friday the 13th. The band was formed by members of the now defunct Rockville, Maryland rock group...