Posts Tagged: Kill Devil Hills

#SnOBX: Outer Banks Snow Day 1/7/17 [Video / Photo Gallery]

#SnOBX: Outer Banks Snow Day 1/7/17 [Video / Photo Gallery]

Much of the Outer Banks received some snow on Saturday evening (Jan. 7), and we ventured outside around our own yard in Kill Devil Hills for some photos and video, which you can view...

Janxx To Electrify Outer Banks Brewing Station [Concert Preview]

Electronica singer/songwriter Janxx returns to Kill Devil Hills this month to electrify the Outer Banks Brewing Station live in concert.  Born in the United Kingdom, the artist known simply as Janxx grew up singing in...

Weekend Movie Update – Jan. 6, 2017: Back to the ‘Underworld’

Our favorite vampire death dealer is back in theaters this week, along with a true drama and a Monster story, while Rogue One lands at The Pioneer. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie Update for...

Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2016 on the Outer Banks

Here’s what’s happening on the Outer Banks for New Year’s Eve, ringing in 2017 on Saturday night, December 31, 2016! Kelly’s Outer Banks Restaurant and Tavern in Nags Head is hosting dueling DJs at...

Weekend Movie Update – Dec. 21, 2016: ‘Sing’ Like An Animal

Christmas always brings about a lot of big movies to round out the year just in time for awards consideration next year, and while Rogue One will obviously continue to dominate the box office,...

Wright Brothers’ 113th First Flight Anniversary Highlights [Photo Gallery]

Wright Brothers’ 113th First Flight Anniversary Highlights [Photo Gallery]

The 113th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first flight in what is now Kill Devil Hills was celebrated on the site where Orville and Wilbur took off into history at Wright Brothers National Memorial...

‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Premiere Highlights [Video / Photo Gallery]

‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Premiere Highlights [Video / Photo Gallery]

Our friends over at Earth 383 Comics & Games once again hosted an Outer Banks movie premiere party for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on Thursday, Dec. 15 at R/C Theatres in Kill Devil...

Weekend Movie Update – Dec. 15, 2016: ‘Star Wars’ Goes ‘Rogue’

Darth Vader returns to theaters this weekend in Rogue One, a new Star Wars Story and the year’s most anticipated movie. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie Update for the weekend of December 15, 2016!...

Wright Brothers’ 113th First Flight Anniversary To Be Celebrated December 17

The 113th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first flight in what is now Kill Devil Hills will be celebrated on the site where Orville and Wilbur took off into history at Wright Brothers National...

‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Outer Banks Premiere Party Announced

Our friends over at Earth 383 Comics & Games are once again hosting an Outer Banks movie premiere party for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story this Thursday at R/C Theatres in Kill Devil...

Weekend Movie Update – Dec. 9, 2016: ‘Christmas Party’ Time

You’re invited to the ultimate Office Christmas Party in theaters this week, while Fantastic Beasts are unleashed at the Pioneer. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie Update for the weekend of December 9, 2016! A spin-off...

Reunited Manday Huge To Rock Outer Banks Brewing Station [Concert Preview]

Old school local rock band Manday Huge has reunited and is all set to take the stage this weekend at the Outer Banks Brewing Station in Kill Devil Hills.  The Outer Banks power trio...

Santa Claus Is Coming To Kill Devil Hills

Santa’s coming to Kill Devil Hills Town Hall for his annual visit that will take place on Saturday, December 10 from 4 to 6pm. Santa will be visiting from 4:30 to 5:30pm. While admission...

Weekend Movie Update – Dec. 1, 2016: Christmas with Rifftrax

To make way for the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, there are actually no new releases opening locally in theaters this week, though the Rifftrax gang is presenting a holiday special double feature...

2016 Festival of Trees Fundraiser Kicks Off Outer Banks Christmas Season

The 28th Annual Festival of Trees benefit to raise funds for Hotline, the local crisis center, returns to the Outer Banks Brewing Station to officially kick off the Christmas season this weekend in Kill...

Exclusive OBX Seashell Christmas Ornaments and Jewelry Now Available!

We are excited to announce the official launch of the OBX Entertainment Store, where you can shop online for our latest in custom hand-made Outer Banks-themed seashell crafts and art from Kill Devil Hills,...

Weekend Movie Update – Nov. 24, 2016: ‘Bad Santa’ Is Back

Bad Santa is back for more badness in theaters this week, while The Rock gets animated, Brad Pitt is Allied, Rules Don’t Apply for Warren Beatty, and Tolls pop up at the Pioneer. Here’s your...

Celebrate Thanksgiving 2016 on the Outer Banks

Celebrate Thanksgiving 2016 on the Outer Banks

If you’re not cooking your own turkey this year, here’s a taste of what you can feast on at some of our favorite Outer Banks restaurants on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24, 2016, and...

Weekend Movie Update – Nov. 18, 2016: ‘Fantastic Beasts’ Unleashed

Fantastic Beasts arrive in theaters this week, while a new drama is on the Edge of Seventeen, and an Inferno heats up the Pioneer. Here’s your Outer Banks Movie Update for the weekend of...

Operation Santa Paws Returns To Kill Devil Hills

The Town of Kill Devil Hills presents Operation Santa Paws, the annual Christmas donations program for pets, which begins this Monday, Nov. 14 and continues through Dec. 16.  Anyone who wishes to donate is...