The popular HGTV series Beachfront Bargain Hunt was on the Outer Banks again recently to film a new episode in Kill Devil Hills and Nags Head, featuring local realtor Kelly Dean. In addition to...
Another local realtor will be featured on an upcoming episode of the HGTV series Beachfront Bargain Hunt, which was filmed on the Outer Banks, North Carolina last year. The March 1, 2015 HGTV Beachfront...
Randy Nance, senior associate broker with Village Realty, will appear on an upcoming episode of the HGTV series Beachfront Bargain Hunt, premiering on January 18 at 8:30 pm on the HGTV network. Episode 508...
HGTV recently filmed an episode of their hit series Beachfront Bargain Hunt on the Outer Banks, featuring a local Village Realty broker, Karen DelVacchio, as she helped a young family find an affordable beach home...