Our friends over at Earth 383 Comics & Games once again hosted an Outer Banks movie premiere party for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on Thursday, Dec. 15 at R/C Theatres in Kill Devil...
The new Dowdy Park in Nags Head will have its official grand opening celebration in May of 2017, just in time to kickoff the summer season. Phase One of the public park, including an...
Everyone who attended the Outer Banks Shag Club’s 24th Annual Harvest Benefit Dance (pictured below) on November 19th had lots of fun dancing and bidding for items in a wonderful silent auction at the...
Organizers for the 15th Annual Outer Banks Bike Week are stepping up the entertainment lineup significantly in 2017 with a new two-day music festival, headlined by national recording rock bands Great White, Slaughter, Christopher...
The 113th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first flight in what is now Kill Devil Hills will be celebrated on the site where Orville and Wilbur took off into history at Wright Brothers National...
Our friends over at Earth 383 Comics & Games are once again hosting an Outer Banks movie premiere party for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story this Thursday at R/C Theatres in Kill Devil...
Dare County Arts Council announces a new program called the Power of Art, serving special groups in need or with limited access to arts programming and education. Made possible by a grant from the...
Virginia Beach’s female-fronted rock band Rocky 7 will bring some of your favorite sounds of yesterday and today together live on stage in concert at Kelly’s in Nags Head this month. With inspirations ranging...
Old school local rock band Manday Huge has reunited and is all set to take the stage this weekend at the Outer Banks Brewing Station in Kill Devil Hills. The Outer Banks power trio...
The Outer Banks Forum for the Lively Arts and Dare County Arts Council are co-presenting the Spotlight On Performing Arts exhibit, which will be on display from February 11 through April 28, 2017 at Duck...
Santa’s coming to Kill Devil Hills Town Hall for his annual visit that will take place on Saturday, December 10 from 4 to 6pm. Santa will be visiting from 4:30 to 5:30pm. While admission...
The eleven UNC-Chapel Hill students who have been studying and conducting research at the Outer Banks Field Site (OBXFS) since August and will present their findings at a public Capstone presentation at 2pm on...
Dare County Arts Council (DCAC) has announced a Call for Entries for the 2017 Frank Stick Memorial Art Show, which will be held at the DCAC Gallery for the first time since its inception...
Kids of all ages are invited to have breakfast with Santa Claus this Sunday, December 4 at Pamlico Jack’s Restaurant in Nags Head. The event includes a delicious breakfast buffet, followed by some one-on-one...
The UNC Coastal Studies Institute (UNC CSI) is hosting a lecture on oyster reef function research as part of its “Science on the Sound” lecture series. This series, held monthly, highlights research on coastal...
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse will be open to the public for a free climb on Saturday, December 10, 2016 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. This event is part of the OBXmas Weekends celebrated with...
The 28th Annual Festival of Trees benefit to raise funds for Hotline, the local crisis center, returns to the Outer Banks Brewing Station to officially kick off the Christmas season this weekend in Kill...
If you’re not cooking your own turkey this year, here’s a taste of what you can feast on at some of our favorite Outer Banks restaurants on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24, 2016, and...
Virginia Beach’s Last Fair Deal will bring the experience of seeing the legendary Grateful Dead live in concert to the stage at Kelly’s in Nags Head for two nights this Thanksgiving Weekend. Last Fair...
The Outer Banks Shag Club has announced details of its 24th Annual Harvest Benefit Dance this weekend in Nags Head. Carol Koon and 8-year-old Milo Rosales, Outer Banks residents who were involved in a...