Theatre of Dare Presents ‘Monty Python’s Spamalot’ on Stage
“Not many musicals are quite so eager to poke fun at literally everything,” said T.O.D. President Don Bridge. “This one does. It makes fun of Arthurian legend. It makes fun of historical epics. It makes fun of Broadway tropes and excesses. It even makes fun of itself.”
The show’s own marketing tells you that the production is “lovingly ripped off” from the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and features King Arthur of Camelot (Stuart Parks II), his loyal squire Patsy (Claire Stansky), and the beautiful and mysterious Lady of the Lake (Kelsey Thompson) recruiting an unlikely band of knights (Jay Brumbeloe, Tim Hass, Rob Jenkins, Daniel Ziegler) to go on a sacred quest to find The Holy Grail.
Along the way they go up against rude Frenchmen, flying cattle, Knights that say ‘Ni’, and a vicious bunny, as well as searching for shrubbery and rescuing a ‘damsel’ in distress.
Meanwhile, the cast of 32 locals sings, dances, and changes costumes with manic lunacy, adding to the sense of serious silliness the show embraces.
Besides the familiar “Bright Side of Life” (which is originally from Life of Brian), the show’s song titles include “Fisch Schlapping Song”, “I Am Not Dead Yet”, “Whatever Happened To My Part”, and “The Song That Goes Like This”.
Keen eyed audience members will also catch passing references to several well-worn Broadway classics like Phantom of the Opera, Singin’ In The Rain, Company, and Fiddler on the Roof. Even Britney Spears gets a mention.
“After all, this is Monty Python,” said Thompson, whose scene-stealing Lady of the Lake is both enchanting goddess and tempestuous Broadway diva. “There’s absolutely nothing here to be taken seriously. And to Theatre of Dare, that’s precisely the point. In a world that seems to have gotten far too serious lately, Monty Python’s Spamalot is offering Outer Banks theatregoers a midwinter’s night of pure, unadulterated parody.”
Monty Python’s Spamalot takes the stage February 17, 18, 24, and 25 at 7:30pm, with Sunday matinees on February 19 and 26 at 2pm.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students.
All performances will be held at the COA (College of the Albemarle) Auditorium in Manteo.
For tickets and more information, go to

King Arthur of Camelot (Stuart Parks II, right) and his loyal squire Patsy (Claire Stansky) are heading to the Outer Banks for Theatre of Dare’s upcoming production of ‘Monty Python’s Spamalot’, opening at the COA Auditorium in Manteo February 17.

The Lady of the Lake (Kelsey Thompson, center) and her Laker Girls (l-r June Cook, Susanna Couch, Lisa Pfuhl, Betsy Head, Missy Eppard, Rachel Twigg) welcome audiences to Camelot in Theatre of Dare’s production of Monty Python’s Spamalot, opening at the COA Auditorium in Manteo on Friday.
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