Outer Banks Forum Playbill Art Competition Announced
The Outer Banks Forum for the Lively Arts and Dare County Arts Council Collaborate in Art Competition for 2016 Forum Playbill Cover.
The Outer Banks Forum for the Lively Arts and the Dare County Arts Council are co-presenting the third annual competition to select the Forum’s next Playbill cover. The winner will be featured on the 2016 Forum playbill cover.
Artists are invited to submit original photos and paintings to be featured in an exhibit at Trio in Kitty Hawk, April 14-May 31.
“The playbill competition with the Outer Banks Forum has proven to be a wonderful partnership for the Arts Council,” said Chris Sawin, executive director of the Dare Arts Council. “The opportunity to connect the Forum’s performances with the visual arts has opened DCAC and its members to an important arts audience on the Outer Banks.”
“We are excited about continuing this joint venture with DCAC,” said Eddie Cooke, president of the Outer Banks Forum for the Lively Arts. “This art competition and exhibit always reflects the many facets of the performing arts as artists are invited to submit works of art in two dimensional visual arts media. And we are delighted to feature the winner on the cover of our playbill.”
The art competition criteria include: Theme: “Spotlight on Performing Arts” Artwork should reflect a representation on any facet of the performing arts. Examples could include musicians, singers, musical instruments and scores.
Eligibility: The competition is open to all artists who are members of either the Forum, Dare County Arts Council, or are residents of Dare County, and are 18 years of age or older. Entry Fee: Entry fees are $20 for DCAC/Forum members or $25 for nonmembers for up to three (3) original entries in a two dimensional format (portrait orientation requested).
Exhibit: The show opens to the public on April 14 and remains on exhibit at Trio in Kitty Hawk through May 31. The exhibit and Artists’ reception is free and open to the public on the evening of April 14 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
A People’s Choice Award will be selected by ballot during the opening reception. In addition, the winning entry and People’s Choice will be on exhibit at the Forum’s final performance of the Virginia Symphony on May 26 at First Flight High School in Kill Devil Hills.
A full prospectus is available for download at www.darearts.org/calendar, you may pick one up at the Dare Arts Council Gallery in downtown Manteo, or call DCAC to have one mailed at (252) 473-5558.

“Mello Cello” photograph by George Wood was the winner of the 2015 Spotlight on Performing Arts Competition.