‘The Lost Colony’ Gets New Sound System From Community Foundation
The Lost Colony sounds better than ever this year, thanks to a generous donation recently received from the Outer Banks Community Foundation.
Directors and staff from the Outer Banks Community Foundation (pictured below) were given a special tour of The Lost Colony’s newly upgraded sound system at The Waterside Theatre on Roanoke Island.
The Outer Banks Community Foundation (OBCF) granted the Roanoke Island Historical Association (RIHA) $12,000 to upgrade the theatre’s sound system with new digital technology.
The new mics, receivers, and transmitters will greatly benefit The Lost Colony audience experience.
This was Phase 2 of the Audio System Project. The final phase of this project is scheduled to begin next year.
The Outer Banks Community Foundation’s generosity has helped make this project happen and will benefit the production for years to come.

Bob Muller, President Outer Banks Community Foundation; Bill Coleman, CEO RIHA; Lorelei Costa, Executive Director OBCF; Shirley Hamblet, staff OBCF; Nancy Sugg, Director OBCF; Leslie Reed, staff OBCF; Jane Webster, Director OBCF; and Dorothy Hester, Director OBCF; recently got a tour of the new sound system at ‘The Lost Colony’, upgraded thanks to a donation from the Outer Banks Community Foundation.