Outer Banks Pro 2014 Returns To Jennette's Pier, Nags Head [Surf]
The 2014 WRV Outer Banks Pro returns to Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head this Labor Day Weekend, and OBX Entertainment is planning on hitting the beach to bring you full coverage of all the fun!
First time, this year’s contest will be an official ASP (Association of Surfing Professionals) WQS (World Qualifying Series) 2-Star rated event, which means more of the most talented professional surfers in the world will be coming to Nags Head to compete.
The Outer Banks Pro will be the first of the three new ASP North America events anchored off of the Vans Pro going on this week at the East Coast Surfing Championship (ECSC) in Virginia Beach.
The 2014 Wave Riding Vehicles Outer Banks Pro surf contest begins this Wednesday, August 27, and runs through Labor Day Monday, September 1.
You can watch our highlight video from the 2013 Outer Banks Pro in the player below, and then click here to view our full photo gallery from last year’s event!
Stay tuned to OBXentertainment.com for full coverage of the 2014 Outer Banks Pro, and Pray For SURF!!

The 2014 Outer Banks Pro surfing contest returns to Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head on Labor Day Weekend, Aug. 27-Sept. 1!