Dare County Arts Council Announces Art Party Workshops
Dare County Arts Council has announced a series of photography workshops in March.
Are you stuck in auto mode? Get out of auto and learn how to take control of your images. Award-winning photographer Shirley Whitenack will show you the amazing things your camera is capable of that you never knew were possible!
This class will introduce you to the workings of your camera with the components identified and explained. This workshop will cover camera mechanics, metering modes, exposure, composition, point of focus, seeing light, depth of field (blurred, soft background vs detailed, sharp background), and basics of flash.
Participants will photograph outside to enhance the classroom instruction. Class wrap-up will encompass organizing and archiving images, photo resources, image critiques, and follow-up questions. You will receive lots of personal attention and hands-on practice to enhance your learning. Both the technical and artistic aspects of photography are discussed and explored.
Bring your camera, instruction manual, film/digital media, and a brown bag lunch. Each participant will receive a binder of photography handouts to keep for future reference.
Shirley Whitenack has worked as a photographer for over 40 years. She is a member of Professional Photographers of North Carolina, Virginia Professional Photographers Association, and Professional Photographers of America. Her work has won numerous awards throughout the United States and is featured in private collections.
The workshop is happening on Saturday, March 22nd, from 10:30am to 4pm.
This class is limited to ten students and will take place at Dare County Arts Council studios, 300 Queen Elizabeth Avenue in downtown Manteo. The cost is only $65 for DCAC members or $75 for nonmembers.
Preregistration is required, and you can call DCAC at (252) 473-5558 to register or for more information.

Award winning photographer Shirley Whitenack will host photography workshop at Dare County Arts Council on March 22.