WNCT TV Segment To Feature Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station
WNCT television station’s Assistant News Director Amie Hudspeth and photojournalist Kevin O’Brien taped a segment at the Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station about the all Black Pea Island Life-Savers.

WNCT 9 On Your Side will air a segment featuring the Chicamicomico Life-Saving Station on Feb. 27 on local cable channel 9.
It was included as a part of WNCT’s Black History Month coverage for two reasons, as Chicamacomico was Pea Island’s neighboring station to the south, and also because the Pea Island 1878 Station was nearly identical to Chicamacomico’s 1874 Station (not seen behind the 1911 Station above), but it no longer exists.
The segment featuring the historic Chicamacomic Life-Saving Station will air at 6pm on Thursday, Feburary 27 on WNCT 9 On Your Side (local channel 9) from Greenville, North Carolina.