Roanoke Island Festival Park Wins Christmas Wreath Contest
Roanoke Island Festival Park was awarded first place in the 3rd Annual Roanoke Island Garden Club and Town of Manteo Christmas Wreath Contest.
The design and creation of the RIFP wreath was a team effort that involved several departments at the park. Sawyer credits “the staff for their creativity and enthusiasm in creating this tribute to the 30th Anniversary of the Elizabeth II”.
Second place went to the Front Porch Café and thirdplace is shared between John Silver Gallery and Poor Richards Sandwich Shop.
The 24 wreathes that were entered in the contest will be displayed in Downtown Manteo in the area beginning at the Creef Boathouse and extending to Queen Elizabeth Avenue.
The judge for the contest was Charles Massey who is with The Lost Colony, last year’s winner.
And coming new to Downtown Manteo Christmas is the Elf on the Shelf. Come help find it! The tree lighting will be on Dec 6 at 6pm and the 42nd Annual Big Little Town Christmas begins at 10:30am on Dec. 7.

Della Basnight of the Roanoke Island Garden Club and Roanoke Island Festival Park Executive Director Kim Sawyer.