OBX Arts and Craft Festival Supports Outer Banks Charities

On display will be a delightful variety of creations from 25 Outer Banks artists whose specialties include painting, pottery, jewelry, photography, basketry, glasswork, fiber and textile arts, collage, metalwork, handmade soaps and more.
In addition to the handcrafted art, you can gather information about two local charities that are dear to the hearts of the show’s founders, Charlotte Alexander and James Melvin.
Alexander has been an active volunteer with N.E.S.T. for many years. N.E.S.T., (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles), is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of the habitats and migration routes of sea turtles and other marine animals on the Outer Banks.
Melvin is a proud supporter of Hosea House, a ministry that assists young women with infants who may not have sufficient family support, life skills or inner strength to provide for themselves or their children. The charity offers supervised shelter, mothering and home care skills, job preparation, life skills education, Christian mentoring, and more, thus providing the mothers with time to bond with and nurture their children.
A portion of the proceeds from participating artist entrance fees help support these fine charities. Show visitors are encouraged to volunteer and/or donate to these important organizations.
Participating artists include Charlotte and Jerry Alexander, Rosanne Arndt, Bobbie Beckley, Pembroke Bryant, Brenda Buciorelli, Jackie Church, E.M.Corsa, Carolina Coto, Susan Estrella, Sue Glass, Kathy Godwin, Georgia Dale Griffiths, Rosanna Gusler, Randy Hodges, Martha Johnson, Stephanie Kiker, Nancy Laird, Carolyn Leopard, Gordon Lewis, Nell Long, James Melvin, Margaret Miller, Megan Rubino, Clair Schaff, Eve Turek and Patty Zukerowski.
For a quick bite, check out the Hilton’s lobby cafe, Great American Grill, and complete your afternoon by purchasing original, handmade pieces from the artists onsite.
The 2013 OBX Arts and Craft Festival takes place on Wednesday and Thursday, September 4 -5 from 10am to 5pm at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kitty Hawk.
Admission to the show is free both days and there is plenty of free parking at the Hilton.
Mark your calendars for a day — or two — of exciting eye candy and heartwarming generosity, all the while supporting local artists and helping further the missions of two inspiring organizations.