Posts Tagged: National Park Service

AmeriCorps NCCC Team Joins Outer Banks Group National Parks

In recent weeks, the National Park Service Outer Banks Group has been joined by AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) team, “Delta 6.”  The team has provided valuable service to the agency and the...

Keepers of the Light Amphitheater Opens at Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

On Saturday, November 7, 2015, beginning at 9:00 a.m., Cape Hatteras National Seashore celebrates the dedication of the new Keepers of the Light Amphitheater near the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in Buxton, North Carolina. The...

New Off-Road Vehicle Ramp Opening Announced

National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac announced today the September 4th opening of the newly constructed parking area, a footpath, and Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Ramp 32, located south of the village...

National Park Service Founders Day Celebrating 99th Anniversary

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 is National Park Service Founders Day – the 99th anniversary of the establishment of the National Park Service.  Superintendent David Hallac invites the public to experience their national park sites...

Outer Banks Locals Join NPS Youth Conservation Corps

This summer, the National Park Service (NPS) Outer Banks Group hired local youths for the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) program to assist with many park projects.   These energetic young students recently performed valuable...

Oregon Inlet Public Boat Ramp Renovations Complete

The last time the Oregon Inlet Public Boat Ramps received an upgrade was in 1989.  After many years of extensive use, and weathering many storms, the ramps were in poor condition.  The National Park...

National Park Service Hosting Outer Banks Beach Cleanups

The month of June marks the beginning of summer and also the beginning of World Oceans Month.  The oceans make up approximately 70 percent of the earth and are global natural treasures providing a...

Outer Banks Full Moon Lighthouse Climbs Scheduled

Grab your flashlight and experience a lighthouse at night by joining the National Park Service on a Full Moon Climb at the Cape Hatteras or Bodie Island Lighthouse this summer.  Hear stories of keepers...

National Park Service Announces Outer Banks Summer Programs

Summer is almost upon us and the National Park Service Outer Banks Group is ready with a summer schedule full of a variety of programs for park visitors, including history talks, nature walks, recreational...

Outer Banks Freedmen’s Colony 152nd Anniversary Commemorated

One hundred and fifty-two years ago, thousands of African-American slaves risked punishment, family separation, and even their lives to reach the freedom waiting for them on Roanoke Island.  The story of the Freedmen’s Colony...

Hatteras Wildlife Protection Environmental Assessment Released

Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore) released today, for public review, the Seashore plan which reviews wildlife protection buffers for public access.   This environmental assessment (EA), prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy...

Outer Banks National Parks Tourism Creates Economic Benefits

A new National Park Service (NPS) report for 2014 shows that over 2.8 million visitors to Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site and Wright Brothers National Memorial spent more than $170...

Cape Hatteras And Bodie Island Lighthouse Full Moon Climbs Offered

Cape Hatteras And Bodie Island Lighthouse Full Moon Climbs Offered

Grab your flashlight and experience a lighthouse at night by joining the National Park Service on a Full Moon Climb at the Cape Hatteras or Bodie Island Lighthouse on Sunday, May 3, 2015.  ...

National Park Service Updates Cape Hatteras ORV Management Plan

National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac announced this week that, consistent with 2014 National Defense Authorization Act, a legislation-driven review and analysis of the Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Management Plan for Cape...

Cape Hatteras National Seashore 2015 Lifeguard Season Announced

National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac announced today that Cape Hatteras National Seashore has contracted the Seashore’s lifeguard operations to serve the visiting public during the 2015 summer season.  Operations of...

Fee Free Weekend Announced At Wright Brothers National Memorial

Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills will be joining national park sites across the country in celebrating the first weekend of National Park Week by waiving admission fees on Saturday and Sunday,...

Outer Banks Group Joins NPS Find Your Park Movement

[twitter-follow screen_name=’obxe’ show_count=’yes’] The Outer Banks Group of national parks join other parks, programs, and partners across the country to encourage everyone to find their park and share their stories online at  Recently...

National Park Service Honors Outer Banks Volunteers

[twitter-follow screen_name=’obxe’ show_count=’yes’] During National Volunteer Week, April 12-18, the National Park Service Outer Banks Group celebrates the volunteers that work at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Wright Brothers National Memorial, and Fort Raleigh National...

Cape Point Temporarily Closes ORV Beach Access

[twitter-follow screen_name=’obxe’ show_count=’yes’] National Park Service Outer Banks Group Deputy Superintendent Mark Dowdle announced today the temporary off-road vehicle (ORV) access closure of the Cape Point area in accordance with the requirements of the...

National Park Service Announces Seasonal Hatteras, Ocracoke ORV Closures

[twitter-follow screen_name=’obxe’ show_count=’yes’] National Park Service Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac announced this week the temporary closing of seasonal ORV (off road vehicle) routes in front of village beaches will take place on...