Dolphin Films and Mattel’s upcoming live action adaptation of the toy franchise Max Steel will begin...
Fight Night is coming to the Outer Banks, when Dirty South Boxing Club...
The 12th Annual Outer Banks Bike Week roars back to into town April...
On the next episode of our Outer Banks web series OBXE TV, host...
Noah builds an Ark in theaters this week, while Arnold Schwarzenegger faces a...
The Outer Banks’ most infamous transplant resident is coming to television, as NBC announced...
The next movie adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks novel returns to North Carolina,...
The Dare County Arts Council is pleased to present a new children’s painting class, taught...
The Outer Banks is getting the next best thing to having the actual...
Pirate ships take sail and parrots become pets, as children pretend to be swash-bucklers of...
The third episode of our new original web series OBXE TV is now...
The Lost Colony is extremely excited about presenting the inaugural comedy night at...
On the next episode of our new Outer Banks web series OBXE TV,...
The Muppets return to theaters this week to face a Divergent future, while...
The Dare County Arts Council is pleased to host the work of local artist...
The Lost Colony will re-open its new haunted attraction at the Waterside Theatre on...
The Outer Banks went green as the 2014 Kelly’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade marched...
The second episode of our new original web series OBXE TV is now...
A new independent student film is set to shoot on the Outer Banks...
On the next episode of our new original Outer Banks web series OBXE...