Netflix’s young adult drama series Outer Banks, which is filmed primarily in Charleston, South Carolina and is set in a fictional version of North Carolina’s actual Outer Banks, returns for its highly anticipated second...
A pedestrian was struck and killed while crossing the U.S. 158 highway in Kill Devil Hills on Thursday. According to a report from the Kill Devil Hills Police Department, on Thursday, July 8, at...
The locally filmed National Geographic Channel (NatGeo) reality competition series Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks is back for its eighth season, premiering with a special 90-minute episode this month. On the Season Premiere episode, entitled...
A Tropical Storm Warning has been issued from Little River Inlet, South Carolina to Great Egg Inlet, New Jersey, including Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds on the Outer Banks, as Tropical Storm Elsa approaches. Elsa...
Cape Hatteras National Seashore reminds visitors and adjacent homeowners that it is illegal to detonate fireworks, or have fireworks in your possession, on all land managed by the National Park Service, including all beaches...
Here are the latest updates regarding fireworks on the Outer Banks and what else is happening to celebrate the holiday on Independence Day, Sunday, July 4th, 2021. KILL DEVIL HILLS Kill Devil Hills will...
A Tropical Storm Warning is now in effect for all of Dare County, as Tropical Storm Claudette will move over eastern North Carolina and the Outer Banks Sunday night, June 20, and into Monday,...
UPDATE 2:45pm 6/20: There is now a Tropical Storm Warning in effect for Dare County. With Tropical Storm Claudette expected to move over eastern North Carolina Sunday evening, June 20, into Monday morning, June...
Netflix’s young adult drama series Outer Banks, which is filmed primarily in Charleston, South Carolina and is set in a fictional version of North Carolina’s actual Outer Banks, returns for its highly anticipated second...
The carnival is coming back to town, as the OBX Fun Fair returns to the Soundside Event Site in Nags Head this week. Featuring at least a dozen rides, plus midway games and traditional...
The Dare County Parks & Recreation Department is searching for local vendors to participate in an upcoming “Fun in the Park” event that is designed to celebrate National Parks & Recreation Month. The event—which...
A 46-year-old male from Falls Church, Virginia died in an apparent drowning at the south end of Hatteras Island on the evening of Friday, May 28, according to report released today from the National...
Dr. Beach has released his annual list of his picks for the Top 10 Best Beaches in America for 2021, with two Outer Banks locales making the top five. Ocracoke Lifeguarded Beach is ranked...
The Dare County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) reports 21 new cases of COVID-19 May 18-24. The total number of new positive cases reported in Dare County over the past week was...
The Dare County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) reports 16 new cases of COVID-19 May 3-11. This week’s COVID-19 update includes very promising news. The total number of new positive cases last...
Law enforcement rangers at Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore), special agents with the National Park Service’s Investigative Services Branch (ISB) and the Dare County Sheriff’s Office, seek the public’s assistance on information regarding a...
North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper announced today (5/14/21) that many of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted for fully vaccinated individuals, following yesterday’s updated guidance from the CDC regarding face masks. Read on...
Kill Devil Hills Ocean Rescue Supervisor David Elder and his team were recently interviewed by CBS News. The local lifeguards provided critical information on rip current safety for the national news outlet. The segment featuring...
The Dare County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) reports 33 new cases of COVID-19 May 3-11. Last week there were 31 new positive cases reported in Dare County. The total COVID-19 positive...
Orville and Wilbur Wright changed the course of human history when their flying machine lifted off the ground and connected us to the rest of the world. Their scientific exploration of manned flight made...