Kill Devil Hills Historic Landmarks Open House Announced
The Kill Devil Hills Historic Landmarks Open House event has been announced for April 22 from 2 to 5pm at Kill Devil Hills Town Hall, located at102 Town Hall Drive
The self-guided tour of a sampling of the historic homes will begin with a reception for two new historic home designations at Kill Devil Hils Town Hall at 1 pm.
Participants will be given a map of the properties and they will have until 5 p.m. to tour those that are open. Signs will be placed in the yards of those available for touring.
The event is free and open to the public.
The Historic Landmarks Commission was developed to identify preserve and protect the heritage, history, architecture and culture of the Town of Kill Devil Hills. Currently, the inventory of Historic Landmarks is 28.
For more information call (252) 449-5318 or visit

The Brown oceanfront house at 1235 Va. Dare Trail, built in 1947, featured on the Kill Devil Hills Historic Landmarks Tour.
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