Kill Devil Hills Community Appearance Commission Welcomes Public Input

Posted By on December 7, 2015

The Kill Devil Hills Community Appearance Commission welcomes public input from town citizens.

You can read the full press release from Kill Devil Hills regarding the Community Appearance Commission (CAC) below!

To the residents, property owners, and businesses of Kill Devil Hills,

It has been nearly three years since the Kill Devil Hills Board of Commissioners (BOC) established the Community Appearance Commission (CAC).  The CAC was tasked to “… make careful study of the visual problems and needs of the town . . . make plans and carry out any programs that will …enhance and improve the visual quality and aesthetic characteristics of the town.” (§31.22) It consists of seven members appointed by the BOC, plus a representative from the KDH Planning Board and one from the BOC.  We are a diverse group in age, gender, occupation and interests.

Since its inception, the CAC has tackled a number of issues, most of which were able to be implemented and a few which proved to be impossible.  We re-established Trask Attack! and the bi-annual Community Appearance Award for commercial sites; we addressed grass mowing on Highway US 158, sidewalks on US 158, floor area ratio, outdoor storage and display, pedestrian signals, derelict properties, commercial store flags, rental property trash cans, utility poles, and more. 

We are an advisory panel and all our proposals are forwarded to the BOC for review and possible action.  At all levels the public is afforded the opportunity to comment.  Throughout our work, we have been ably assisted by town staff.

A primary purpose in writing this letter is to thank all the local citizens who have helped us with our work, filled out the informal online survey, and otherwise proposed ideas for improvements.  We also want to express our appreciation to the local media who have covered our meetings and activities.  And we want to let you know we continue to welcome input from citizens.  Our meetings are open to the public and usually held the fourth Thursdays of each month, with some adjustments during the summer season and for holidays, at 8:30 a.m. at Town Hall.  We invite you to join us. You may also submit your ideas and comments by email

Kill Devil Hills and the Outer Banks are very special places; our job is to keep and enhance the beauty and specialness of these places – Together we can do it!


Sue Kelly, Chairperson; Chris Marik, Vice-Chairperson; James Almoney; Bambos Charalambous; Skip Jones; Sandie Markland; Commissioner Michael Midgette; Melinda Mogowski; Pris Shea


Posted by Matt Artz

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