‘The Lost Colony’ Virginia Dare Baby Auditions Announced
Virginia Dare’s birthday is quickly approaching and to celebrate the 428th birthday of the first English child born in the new world, The Lost Colony continues its long celebrated tradition of using real babies during the performance on August 18th.
Being a “Dare Baby” is an important role that many local citizens have had the opportunity of being a part of. For one night only, the swaddled props are returned and replaced by local infants.
In order to be considered for the role of Virginia Dare, all babies must attend an audition meeting on Saturday, July 25th at 10:00am in The Lost Colony Building located in Fort Raleigh National Park. Cast members and administrative staff will there to assist in the screening process. The casting is open to all polite boys and girls less than 15 pounds.
All babies must be available for several hours on Tuesday, August 18th for pre-show preparation and for The Lost Colony performance. Virginia Dare babies will be introduced from the stage before the curtain at 7:30pm.
The Lost Colony and the National Park Service will also be holding Virginia Dare Faire on the Grounds of Fort Raleigh National Park on Monday, August 18th. This is a free event open to the public for children and families to engage in celebration of Virginia Dare’s birthday. In addition to Virginia Dare Faire, the children’s show How I Became a Pirate will be held in the Sound Stage Theatre at 2:00pm, and the main performance of The Lost Colony with Virginia Dare Babies begins at 7:30pm.

Three-month-old Ozzie Artz of Kill Devil Hills starred as “Baby Virginia Dare” in the christening scene in ‘The Lost Colony’ on August 18, 2007. (photo: Artz Music & Photography)