National Park Service Honors Outer Banks Volunteers
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During National Volunteer Week, April 12-18, the National Park Service Outer Banks Group celebrates the volunteers that work at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Wright Brothers National Memorial, and Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. This past year these volunteers donated a total of 16,097 hours!
Last year, the 133 Outer Banks Group volunteers donated over 11,626 hours providing interpretive programs and information desk services, 2,214 hours to assisting natural and cultural resource management, and 1,693 hours to host park campgrounds. The total volunteer hours are equivalent to more than seven full time, year-round employees.
“National Park Service volunteers have and continue to be remarkable assets to our park system and its mission to protect our most prized resources,” stated Superintendent David Hallac. “The work that Outer Banks Group volunteers of all ages perform makes a significant difference to the preservation of our parks for future generations and serves to enhance the experience of our visitors. On behalf of the Outer Banks Group, I want to thank each of you for your time, dedication and hard work over the years.”
Several local volunteers received special recognition including: Fred Hattman, 6,000 Lifetime Hours Award (Wright Brothers National Memorial); Sherry Atkinson, 2,000 Lifetime Hours Award (Cape Hatteras NS); Bruce Smith, 1,000 Lifetime Hours Award (Cape Hatteras NS); and Jane Vercruysse, 1,000 Lifetime Hours Award (Cape Hatteras NS).
Volunteers who received the Presidential Volunteer Service Gold Award include: James Bryant (Wright Brothers NMEM), Fred Hattman (Wright Brothers NMEM), Elizabeth Isajewicz (Cape Hatteras NS), Dennis Pohl (Wright Brothers NMEM), Cara Strachan (Wright Brothers NMEM), Buddy Ward (Cape Hatteras NS), and Cynthia Ward (Cape Hatteras NS).
The National Park Service commends Volunteer Elizabeth Schaub, a long-time volunteer at the Wright Brothers National Memorial. Since retiring as a Dare County school nurse in 1999, Liz has volunteered at the Memorial. For the past 16 years she has not only welcomed and interacted with thousands of visitors, she has also compiled monthly volunteer statistics.
Liz said, “It has been a privilege to be part of the Wright Brothers National Memorial team – from celebrating the First Flight Centennial in 2003 to interacting with school groups to working alongside park service staff and other volunteers. The experience has been interesting and fun.”
Liz’s volunteer supervisor, Park Ranger Darrell Collins, said she is a selfless, dedicated, and passionate volunteer whole love of life and community has made a positive difference in the lives of many. The National Park Service is lucky to have her on our team.”
Outside of the Wright Brothers National Memorial, Liz has spent countless hours volunteering in her community. Since the early 1980s Liz has been volunteering with the Outer Banks Hotline Crisis Line, the After School Program and the Children and Youth Partnership. In 2012, she was the Inter-Faith Community Outreach Volunteer of the Year.

The National Park Service Outer Banks Group is honoring local volunteers, including Elizabeth Schaub.
The National Park Service also commends Volunteers Mark & Yvonne Knock, who are volunteering with the Outer Banks Group at the Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center and the Museum Resource Center at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site.
The Knocks began volunteering with the National Park Service at Apostle Islands National Seashore in Wisconsin during the summer of 2014 following their retirement in the fields of education, office administration, and construction management. According to the Knocks, “We enjoy volunteering with the National Park Service to be of assistance to people of all ages, sharing, and helping protect the wonders that our National Park System has preserved.”
At the Museum Resource Center, the Knocks assist with organizing the Outer Banks Group museum collection, including rehousing and organizing documents, labeling boxes, and sorting photographs. Cultural Resource Manager Jami Lanier said, “Mark & Yvonne have done a wonderful job working with the park archives. They are hard workers, have good organizational skills, pay attention to detail, and are willing to spend the day in a climate controlled environment with no windows! The Knocks have accomplished a lot in a short period of time and have made a positive contribution to the usability of the park archives for our staff and researchers.”
Mark and Yvonne have spent their adult lives volunteering in their community, church, and foreign missions. Such volunteer organizations include the American Red Cross and Meals on Wheels.

The National Park Service Outer Banks Group is honoring local volunteers, including Mark and Yvonne Knock.
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