'Wicked Tuna: North vs. South' Outer Banks Premiere [Photo Gallery]
The new spin-off of the popular National Geographic Channel (Nat Geo) Wicked Tuna series, Wicked Tuna: North vs South was filmed entirely on the OuterBanks, North Carolina, and the first episode will premiere tonight, but OBX Entertainment was at this week’s preview screening at Pirate’s Cove Marina, and we have a huge photo gallery, as well as exclusive video interviews with the local captains, for you to check out!

The stars of the Nat Geo series ‘Wicked Tuna- North vs. South’ on August 14, 2014. (photo by OBXentertainment.com)
A huge crowd of Outer Banks fans turned out to watch a sneak preview of the first full episode of the new Nat Geo series Wicked Tuna: North vs. South on Thursday, August 14.
Fittingly titled “Yankee Invasion”, the episode opens with some beautiful locally filmed shots of many recognizable area landmarks, but it was the first appearance of each of the three local charter fishing boats – the Wahoo, Doghouse, and Fishin’ Frenzy – that made the standing-room-only audience erupt into screams of pride, though not as deafening as when the word “Wanchese” first appeared on screen.
The Outer Banks captains; Reed Meredith of the Whahoo, Britton “Shack” Shackelford of the Doghouse, and Greg Mayer of the Fishin’ Frenzy, were all in attendance and the obvious stars of the night. The highlight came as the episode played, watching the local fisherman each watching themselves on screen for the first time, laughing and reminiscing with one another in fun loving good nature.
The episode effectively introduces viewers to the new cast of “Southern Captains”, establishing each captain and first mate in the early segments, as they are soon enough faced with the anticipated arrival of their Northern counterparts, including returning fan favorites like Dave Marciano, TJ Ott, and Paul Herbert, who was also in attendance at the local event.
Wicked Tuna: North vs. South premieres tonight (August 17) at 10pm on the National Geographic Channel, but you can watch our interviews with Outer Banks captains Mayer and Shackelford right now in the player below, and then scroll down to view over 50 exclusive images in our photo gallery!
(Click an image to enlarge.)

The Outer Banks stars of the Nat Geo series ‘Wicked Tuna- North vs. South’ on August 14, 2014. (photo by OBXentertainment.com)